Section 388-700-0045. What action is required if there is evidence that sexual misconduct by a JRA contractor has occurred?  

Latest version.
  • (1) If there is a preponderance of evidence that sexual intercourse or sexual contact between a JRA contractor and a JRA youth occurred, the secretary must inform the contractor that the individual employee is disqualified from employment with a contractor in any position with access to JRA youth.
    (2) A contract with a contractor who has had an employee who has been disqualified for employment based on a preponderance of evidence that he or she has had sexual intercourse or sexual contact with a JRA youth, must not be renewed until the secretary determines that significant progress has been made by the contractor to reduce the likelihood that any of its employees or subcontractors have sexual intercourse or sexual contact with a JRA youth.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0045, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]
RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0045, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.