Section 388-700-0025. Is a contracting agency required to do background checks?  

Latest version.
  • JRA must require background checks to be conducted on prospective employees and volunteers of contracting agencies if the person will have regular access to juveniles.
    (1) Requirements of WAC 388-700-0010, 388-700-0015, and 388-700-0020 must be met by contracted service providers.
    (2) The contracted service provider or designee of an agency contracting with JRA for the provision of a community facility must ensure background check investigations are conducted according to department licensing requirements.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0025, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.]
RCW 13.40.570. WSR 00-24-014, § 388-700-0025, filed 11/27/00, effective 12/28/00.

