Section 388-447-0030. Progressive evaluation process step I—How does the department review the medical evidence required for an incapacity determination?  

Latest version.
  • (1) When we receive your medical evidence, we review it to see if it is sufficient to decide whether you meet the incapacity requirements. It must:
    (a) Contain sufficient information under WAC 388-447-0010;
    (b) Be written by an authorized medical professional described in WAC 388-447-0005;
    (c) Document a potentially incapacitating condition; and
    (d) Indicate an impairment is expected to last at least ninety days from the application date.
    (2) If the information received isn't clear, we may require more information before we decide if you are incapacitated. As examples, we may require you to get more medical tests or be examined by a medical specialist.
    (3) We deny incapacity if:
    (a) The reported impairment isn't expected to last ninety days or more from the date of application;
    (b) We don't have the medical evidence detailed in WAC 388-447-0010, which is necessary to determine incapacity.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.005, 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.08A.100, 74.04.770, 74.08.025, 74.62.030, and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 10. WSR 13-24-044, § 388-447-0030, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14.]
RCW 74.04.005, 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.08A.100, 74.04.770, 74.08.025, 74.62.030, and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 10. WSR 13-24-044, § 388-447-0030, filed 11/26/13, effective 1/1/14.

