Chapter 388-447. Housing and essential needs referral.  

Section 388-447-0001. What are the incapacity requirements for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?
Section 388-447-0005. What evidence does the department consider to determine incapacity?
Section 388-447-0010. What medical evidence do I need to provide?
Section 388-447-0020. How does the department assign severity ratings to my impairments?
Section 388-447-0030. Progressive evaluation process step I—How does the department review the medical evidence required for an incapacity determination?
Section 388-447-0040. Progressive evaluation process step II—How does the department determine the severity of mental impairments?
Section 388-447-0050. Progressive evaluation process step III—How does the department determine the severity of physical impairments?
Section 388-447-0060. Progressive evaluation process step IV—How does the department determine the severity of multiple impairments?
Section 388-447-0070. Progressive evaluation process step V—How does the department determine the impact of a mental impairment on my ability to function in a work environment?
Section 388-447-0080. Progressive evaluation process step VI—How does the department determine the impact of a physical impairment on my ability to function in a work setting?
Section 388-447-0090. Progressive evaluation process step VII—How does the department determine ability to perform past work?
Section 388-447-0100. Progressive evaluation process Step VIII—How does the department determine ability to perform other work?
Section 388-447-0110. When does my eligibility for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program end?
Section 388-447-0120. How does alcohol or drug dependence affect my eligibility for referral to the housing and essential needs (HEN) program?