Chapter 388-180. Standards for health and safety reviews of the Washington state school for the deaf.  

Section 388-180-0100. What is the purpose of this chapter?
Section 388-180-0110. What are the definitions for this chapter?
Section 388-180-0120. Is CPS required to investigate allegations of CA/N of students at the school?
Section 388-180-0130. What is included in the CPS investigation?
Section 388-180-0140. What health and safety reviews are required?
Section 388-180-0150. Who receives a copy of the completed health and safety reports?
Section 388-180-0160. What health and safety standards and written policies will the monitors be looking for when conducting their health and safety reviews of the school?
Section 388-180-0170. What specific areas must be included in the comprehensive health and safety review?
Section 388-180-0180. What health and safety areas must be included in the monitoring review?
Section 388-180-0190. Must WSD allow the department access to the records of the school?
Section 388-180-0200. Must WSD allow the department access to all students and staff for the reviews?
Section 388-180-0210. What must be included in the incident documentation?
Section 388-180-0220. What are the staffing requirements for the residential portion of the school?
Section 388-180-0230. What are the physical environment safety requirements for the residential facilities?