Section 388-165-200. How does DSHS pay for nonstandard hour child care?  

Latest version.
  • DSHS authorizes the nonstandard hour bonus to licensed or certified child care providers, DSHS pays:
    (1) The DSHS maximum child care subsidy rate as listed in WAC 388-165-180 or 388-165-185 or the provider’s usual rate for that child, whichever is less; and
    (2) The monthly nonstandard hour bonus as listed in the table below.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 74.12.340, 74.04.050, 74.04.055 and 74.08.090. WSR 99-22-011, § 388-165-200, filed 10/22/99, effective 11/22/99.]
RCW 74.12.340, 74.04.050, 74.04.055 and 74.08.090. WSR 99-22-011, § 388-165-200, filed 10/22/99, effective 11/22/99.

