Section 388-148-1410. What information is confidential and what information can I share about a child or a child's family?  

Latest version.
  • (1) Information about a child or the child's family is confidential and must only be shared with people directly involved in caring for a child on a need to know basis, or involved in the case plan for a child. You may discuss information about the child, the child's family and the case plan only with:
    (a) Our representatives, including staff from DCFS, DLR and DDA;
    (b) Department of health, office of the state fire marshal and the office of the family and children's ombuds;
    (c) A child placing agency team assigned to the child;
    (d) A child's tribal social services worker;
    (e) Treatment and service providers identified in the child's case plan or with permission of the child's DSHS worker; and
    (f) The child's guardian ad litem, court-appointed special advocate and/or attorney.
    (2) You may check with your child's DSHS worker for guidance about sharing information with the child's teacher, counselor, doctor and others involved in the child's case plan.
    (3) Child placing agencies and the department must share information about the child and child's family related to the case plan with you so that you can meet the child's needs.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapters 13.34 and 74.13 RCW, RCW 74.15.030(2), 74.15.311(2), 74.13.032, 13.04.011, 74.13.020, 13.34.030, 74.13.031, 13.34.145, 74.15.311, 74.15.030, and 2013 c 105. WSR 15-01-069, § 388-148-1410, filed 12/11/14, effective 1/11/15.]
Chapters 13.34 and 74.13 RCW, RCW 74.15.030(2), 74.15.311(2), 74.13.032, 13.04.011, 74.13.020, 13.34.030, 74.13.031, 13.34.145, 74.15.311, 74.15.030, and 2013 c 105. WSR 15-01-069, § 388-148-1410, filed 12/11/14, effective 1/11/15.