Section 388-148-1340. What do I do to renew my license?  

Latest version.
  • (1) As a courtesy a renewal notice will be sent to you one hundred and twenty days prior to your license expiration date. If you do not receive this renewal notice it is your responsibility to contact your licensor.
    (2) You must send the application and background authorization form to renew your license prior to the expiration date of your current license. Your license can be closed if we do not receive your application prior to your license expiration date.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapters 13.34 and 74.13 RCW, RCW 74.15.030(2), 74.15.311(2), 74.13.032, 13.04.011, 74.13.020, 13.34.030, 74.13.031, 13.34.145, 74.15.311, 74.15.030, and 2013 c 105. WSR 15-01-069, § 388-148-1340, filed 12/11/14, effective 1/11/15.]
Chapters 13.34 and 74.13 RCW, RCW 74.15.030(2), 74.15.311(2), 74.13.032, 13.04.011, 74.13.020, 13.34.030, 74.13.031, 13.34.145, 74.15.311, 74.15.030, and 2013 c 105. WSR 15-01-069, § 388-148-1340, filed 12/11/14, effective 1/11/15.