Chapter 388-148. Licensing requirements for child foster homes.  

Section 388-148-1300. What is the purpose of this chapter?
Section 388-148-1305. What definitions do I need to know to understand this chapter?
Section 388-148-1310. Am I required to have a license to provide care to children?
Section 388-148-1315. How is an application submitted?
Section 388-148-1320. When will the department grant me a foster family license?
Section 388-148-1325. How is a license issued and where is it kept?
Section 388-148-1330. May I receive more than one in-home family license?
Section 388-148-1335. What happens when licensing requirements differ from contract requirements?
Section 388-148-1340. What do I do to renew my license?
Section 388-148-1345. Who must have access to my home?
Section 388-148-1350. What are the roles of the department and the CPA?
Section 388-148-1355. Can I be licensed as a foster home if I also work for a child placing agency or children's administration?
Section 388-148-1360. When may I be certified to provide care to children?
Section 388-148-1365. What are the character and personal requirements for foster parents?
Section 388-148-1370. What kinds of assessments are included in the licensing process?
Section 388-148-1375. What training am I required to have before I become licensed?
Section 388-148-1380. What training must I complete after I am licensed?
Section 388-148-1385. How do you decide how many children may be placed in my home?
Section 388-148-1390. Can I accept children outside the limitations of my license?
Section 388-148-1395. Do I have to admit or retain all children?
Section 388-148-1400. What services must I provide for medically fragile children and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities?
Section 388-148-1405. What are the requirements for keeping children's records?
Section 388-148-1410. What information is confidential and what information can I share about a child or a child's family?
Section 388-148-1415. Where can I get a child's health history?
Section 388-148-1420. What incidents involving children must I report?
Section 388-148-1425. What are my reporting responsibilities when a child is missing from care?
Section 388-148-1430. What are other reporting requirements?
Section 388-148-1435. What are the travel requirements for children in care?
Section 388-148-1440. What are the requirements for my home and property?
Section 388-148-1445. What are the requirements for water, garbage and sewer in my home?
Section 388-148-1450. What are requirements for my household equipment and hardware?
Section 388-148-1455. How must I keep children safe around bodies of water?
Section 388-148-1460. How do I prepare for a natural disaster or emergency?
Section 388-148-1465. What other emergency fire and safety requirements must I follow to become licensed?
Section 388-148-1470. What are the general requirements for bedrooms?
Section 388-148-1475. What are the requirements for sharing bedrooms?
Section 388-148-1480. What are the requirements for animals?
Section 388-148-1485. Under what conditions may I have alcoholic beverages or marijuana on my property?
Section 388-148-1490. May I have illegal drugs on my property?
Section 388-148-1495. What are the requirements for smoking around children?
Section 388-148-1500. Under what conditions may I have guns and weapons on my property?
Section 388-148-1505. What must I do to prevent the spread of infections and communicable diseases?
Section 388-148-1510. What requirements do I need to follow when I transport children?
Section 388-148-1515. What are the requirements regarding food?
Section 388-148-1520. What services am I expected to provide for children in my care?
Section 388-148-1525. What are the educational and vocational instruction requirements for children in care?
Section 388-148-1530. Can children participate in everyday activities under my care?
Section 388-148-1535. Can I provide care to youth enrolled in the extended foster care program?
Section 388-148-1540. What privacy must I provide for children in my care?
Section 388-148-1545. What belongings will foster children take when they leave my home?
Section 388-148-1550. What medical and dental care must I provide to children?
Section 388-148-1555. What are the immunization requirements?
Section 388-148-1560. What are the requirements for obtaining consent for emergent and routine medical care?
Section 388-148-1565. How must medications be stored?
Section 388-148-1570. Who may access stored medications?
Section 388-148-1575. What are other requirements for medications?
Section 388-148-1580. Can children take their own medications?
Section 388-148-1585. Can I use medication for behavior control?
Section 388-148-1590. Can I choose to give prescribed medications, including psychotropic medication?
Section 388-148-1595. Can I accept prescription medication from a child's parent or guardian?
Section 388-148-1600. What is respite care?
Section 388-148-1605. Who can watch my foster child when I am away from home?
Section 388-148-1610. What are the requirements for supervising children in my care?
Section 388-148-1615. What are the requirements for disciplining children?
Section 388-148-1620. When may a child be restrained?
Section 388-148-1625. Will you license or continue to license me if I violate licensing requirements?
Section 388-148-1630. Are there exceptions made if I do not meet the licensing requirements?
Section 388-148-1635. Can people living in my home be disqualified from having access to the children in my care?
Section 388-148-1640. Are there any other reasons that might cause me to lose my license?
Section 388-148-1645. What can I do if I disagree with your decision to modify, deny, suspend or revoke my license, or to disqualify my background check?
Section 388-148-1650. How do I appeal the decision of the office of administrative hearings' administrative law judge?
Section 388-148-1655. Can I be issued a probationary license?