Section 388-113-0005. What is the purpose of this chapter?  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of this chapter is to describe the:
    (1) Criminal convictions, pending charges, and negative actions that automatically disqualify an individual from having unsupervised access to vulnerable adults or minors who are receiving services under:
    (a) Chapter 388-71 WAC, Home and community services and programs, including individual providers and employees of home care agencies;
    (b) Chapter 388-101 WAC, Certified community residential services and supports;
    (c) Chapter 388-76 WAC, Licensed adult family homes;
    (d) Chapter 388-78A WAC, Licensed assisted living facilities;
    (e) Chapter 388-97 WAC, Licensed nursing homes;
    (f) Chapter 388-825 WAC, Developmental disabilities administration programs; and
    (g) Chapter 388-107 WAC, Licensed enhanced services facilities.
    (2) Exceptions to automatic disqualifications that may apply to certain criminal convictions and pending charges.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520, 74.39A.056. WSR 14-14-025, § 388-113-0005, filed 6/24/14, effective 7/25/14.]
RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520, 74.39A.056. WSR 14-14-025, § 388-113-0005, filed 6/24/14, effective 7/25/14.

