Section 388-111-0130. Notice—Service complete.  

Latest version.
  • Service of the department notices is complete when:
    (1) Personal service is made;
    (2) The notice is addressed to the facility or to the individual at his or her last known address, and deposited in the United States mail;
    (3) The notice is faxed and the department receives evidence of transmission;
    (4) Notice is delivered to a commercial delivery service with charges prepaid; or
    (5) Notice is delivered to a legal messenger service with charges prepaid.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapter 74.34 RCW, RCW 74.08.090, and 71A.12.030. WSR 11-07-025, § 388-111-0130, filed 3/10/11, effective 4/10/11.]
Chapter 74.34 RCW, RCW 74.08.090, and 71A.12.030. WSR 11-07-025, § 388-111-0130, filed 3/10/11, effective 4/10/11.