Section 388-101D-0185. Client refusal to participate in services.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The service provider must notify the case manager if the client's health and safety is adversely affected by the client's refusal to participate in services.
    (2) Service providers must document each client's refusal to participate in:
    (a) Physical and safety requirements, as outlined in WAC 388-101-3390; and
    (b) Client health services support under WAC 388-101-3370.
    (3) Service providers must document the following:
    (a) A description of events relating to the client's refusal to participate in these services;
    (b) That the client was informed of the benefits of these services and the possible risks of refusal;
    (c) A description of the service provider's efforts to give or acquire the services for the client; and
    (d) Any health or safety concerns that the refusal may pose.
    (4) The service provider must:
    (a) Review this documentation with the client or the client's legal representative at least every six months; and
    (b) Request that the client or client's legal representative sign and date the document after reviewing it.
    [WSR 16-14-058, recodified as § 388-101D-0185, filed 6/30/16, effective 8/1/16. Statutory Authority: Chapter 71A.12 RCW. WSR 08-02-022, § 388-101-3420, filed 12/21/07, effective 2/1/08.]
WSR 16-14-058, recodified as § 388-101D-0185, filed 6/30/16, effective 8/1/16. Statutory Authority: Chapter 71A.12 RCW. WSR 08-02-022, § 388-101-3420, filed 12/21/07, effective 2/1/08.

