Section 388-101D-0150. Client health services support.  

Latest version.
  • The service provider must provide instruction and/or support as identified in the individual support plan and as required in this chapter to assist the client with:
    (1) Accessing health, mental health, and dental services;
    (2) Medication management, administration, and assistance;
    (3) Maintaining health records;
    (4) Arranging appointments with health professionals;
    (5) Monitoring medical treatment prescribed by health professionals;
    (6) Communicating directly with health professionals when needed; and
    (7) Receiving an annual physical and dental examination unless the appropriate medical professional gives a written exception.
    [WSR 16-14-058, recodified as § 388-101D-0150, filed 6/30/16, effective 8/1/16. Statutory Authority: Chapter 71A.12 RCW. WSR 08-02-022, § 388-101-3370, filed 12/21/07, effective 2/1/08.]
WSR 16-14-058, recodified as § 388-101D-0150, filed 6/30/16, effective 8/1/16. Statutory Authority: Chapter 71A.12 RCW. WSR 08-02-022, § 388-101-3370, filed 12/21/07, effective 2/1/08.