Section 388-06A-0220. How will I know the status of the background check?  

Latest version.
  • (1) If you have been approved by the background check:
    (a) The department will notify you, and your prospective employer, or your supervisor, if you have requested a contract or approval for unsupervised access to children.
    (b) The department will not directly notify you, and will instead continue the process for approving your application if you have requested a license or certification to care for children.
    (2) If you have been disqualified by the background check:
    (a) The department will notify you in writing and include any laws and rules that require disqualification;
    (b) The department will also notify the care provider, the prospective employer, or the licensor; and
    (c) You will not receive a license, contract, certification, or be authorized to have unsupervised access to children.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.43.832. WSR 15-03-071, § 388-06A-0220, filed 1/15/15, effective 2/15/15.]
RCW 43.43.832. WSR 15-03-071, § 388-06A-0220, filed 1/15/15, effective 2/15/15.