Section 296-54-57350. Logging machines—Tractors and skidders.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Operators must operate and control their machines in a safe manner and avoid operations in areas where machine stability may not be maintained.
    (2) Winch lines on logging tractors or skidders must be attached to the drums with a breakaway device.
    (3) Arches must be equipped with line guards.
    (4) A turnaround, if needed for skidders, must be provided on all skidding roads every 500 feet.
    (5) The following safe work procedures must be followed:
    (a) Lines must not be allowed to trail behind the tractor or skidder where it may hang up and snap forward.
    (b) Each machine must be positioned during winching so the machine and winch are operated within their design limits.
    (c) Logs/trees must be chocked near the ends of the logs/trees whenever possible and safely positioned before traveling.
    (d) Before climbing or descending grades, the proper gear must be selected to allow the engine to govern the tractor speed.
    (e) On side hills, abrupt turns uphill must be avoided. The tractor or skidder must be backed downhill first then turned uphill. The turn may be slacked off as necessary to permit this maneuver.
    (f) Tractor or skidder speed must be adjusted to the circumstances prevailing. Excessive or uncontrolled speed must be avoided.
    (6) Where tractor and skidder operators or helpers, because of the nature of their work duties, are required to wear calk soled footwear, the decks and operating foot controls must be covered with a suitable nonslip material.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040 and [49.17].050. WSR 99-17-117, § 296-54-57350, filed 8/18/99, effective 12/1/99.]
RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040 and [49.17].050. WSR 99-17-117, § 296-54-57350, filed 8/18/99, effective 12/1/99.