Section 296-307-13050. Decontamination—Standards for pesticide handlers—40 C.F.R., § 170.250.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Requirement. During any handling activity, the handler employer shall provide for handlers, in accordance with this section, decontamination supplies for washing off pesticides and pesticide residues.
    (2) General conditions.
    (a) The handler employer shall provide handlers with enough water for routine washing, for emergency eyeflushing, and for washing the entire body in case of an emergency. At all times when the water is available to handlers, the handler employer shall assure that it is of a quality and temperature that will not cause illness or injury when it contacts the skin or eyes or if it is swallowed. At least ten gallons of water for one employee and twenty gallons of water for two or more employees shall be provided at mixing and loading sites that do not have running water.
    (b) When water stored in a tank is to be used for mixing pesticides, it shall not be used for decontamination or eyeflushing, unless the tank is equipped with properly functioning valves or other mechanisms that prevent movement of pesticides into the tank.
    (c) The handler employer shall provide soap and single-use towels in quantities sufficient to meet handlers' needs.
    (d) The handler employer shall provide one clean change of clothing, such as coveralls for use in an emergency.
    (3) Location. The decontamination supplies shall be located together and reasonably accessible to and not more than one-quarter mile from each handler during the handling activity.
    (a) Exception for mixing sites. For mixing activities, the decontamination supplies shall be at the mixing site.
    (b) Exception for pilots. The decontamination supplies for a pilot who is applying pesticides aerially shall be in the airplane or at the aircraft loading site.
    (c) Exception for handling pesticides in remote areas. When handling activities are performed more than one-quarter mile from the nearest place of vehicular access:
    (i) The soap, single-use towels, clean change of clothing, and water may be at the nearest place of vehicular access.
    (ii) The handler employer may permit handlers to use clean water from springs, streams, lakes, or other sources for decontamination at the remote work site, if such water is more accessible than the water with the decontamination supplies located at the nearest place of vehicular access.
    (d) Decontamination supplies in treated areas. The decontamination supplies shall not be in an area being treated with pesticides or in an area under a restricted-entry interval, unless:
    (i) The decontamination supplies are in the area where the handler is performing handling activities;
    (ii) The soap, single-use towels, and clean change of clothing are in enclosed containers; and
    (iii) The water is running tap water or is enclosed in a container.
    (4) Emergency eyeflushing. To provide for emergency eyeflushing, the handler employer shall assure that at least one pint of water is immediately available to each handler who is performing tasks for which the pesticide labeling requires protective eyewear. The eyeflush water shall be carried by the handler, or shall be on the vehicle or aircraft the handler is using, or shall be otherwise immediately accessible.
    (5) A plumbed or portable emergency eyewash capable of delivering at least 1.5 liters (0.4 gals.) of water per minute for fifteen minutes shall be provided at all pesticide mixing and loading stations or handler decontamination sites when the label requires protective eyewear for mixing, loading or applying. A plumbed or portable system meeting the above requirements shall be provided at all permanent pesticide mixing and loading sites.
    (6) Decontamination after handling activities. At the end of any exposure period, the handler employer shall provide at the site where handlers remove personal protective equipment, soap, clean towels, and a sufficient amount of water so that the handlers may wash thoroughly. At least ten gallons of water for one employee and twenty gallons of water for two or more employees shall be provided at mixing and loading sites that do not have running water.
    [WSR 97-09-013, recodified as § 296-307-13050, filed 4/7/97, effective 4/7/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, [49.17.]050 and [49.17.]060. WSR 96-20-082, § 296-306A-13050, filed 9/30/96, effective 11/1/96.]
WSR 97-09-013, recodified as § 296-307-13050, filed 4/7/97, effective 4/7/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, [49.17.]050 and [49.17.]060. WSR 96-20-082, § 296-306A-13050, filed 9/30/96, effective 11/1/96.