Chapter 296-301. Safety standards for the textile industry.  

Section 296-301-010. Textiles—Application requirements.
Section 296-301-015. Definitions applicable to this chapter.
Section 296-301-020. General safety requirements.
Section 296-301-025. Openers and pickers.
Section 296-301-030. Cotton cards.
Section 296-301-035. Garnett machines.
Section 296-301-040. Spinning mules.
Section 296-301-045. Slashers—Scope and application.
Section 296-301-04501. Cylinder dryers.
Section 296-301-04503. Enclosed hot air dryers.
Section 296-301-050. Warpers.
Section 296-301-055. Drawing frames, slubbers, roving parts, cotton combers, ring spinning frames, twisters.
Section 296-301-060. Gill boxes.
Section 296-301-065. Heavy draw boxes, finishers, and speeders used in worsted drawing.
Section 296-301-070. Silver and ribbon lappers (cotton).
Section 296-301-075. Looms.
Section 296-301-080. Shearing machines.
Section 296-301-085. Continuous bleach range (cotton and rayon).
Section 296-301-090. Kiers.
Section 296-301-095. Gray and white bins.
Section 296-301-100. Mercerizing range (piece goods).
Section 296-301-105. Tenter frames.
Section 296-301-110. Dyeing jigs.
Section 296-301-115. Padders—Nip guards.
Section 296-301-120. Drying cans.
Section 296-301-125. Ironer.
Section 296-301-130. Extractors.
Section 296-301-135. Nip guards.
Section 296-301-140. Sanforizing and palmer machine.
Section 296-301-145. Rope washers.
Section 296-301-150. Laundry washer tumbler or shaker.
Section 296-301-155. Printing machine (roller type).
Section 296-301-160. Calenders.
Section 296-301-165. Rotary staple cutters.
Section 296-301-170. Clothing folding machine.
Section 296-301-175. Hand bailing machine.
Section 296-301-180. Roll bench.
Section 296-301-185. Cuttle or swing folder (overhead type).
Section 296-301-190. Color-mixing room.
Section 296-301-195. Open tanks and vats for mixing and storage of hot or corrosive liquids.
Section 296-301-200. Dye kettles and vats.
Section 296-301-205. Acid carboys.
Section 296-301-210. Handling caustic soda and caustic potash.
Section 296-301-215. First aid.
Section 296-301-220. Personal protective equipment.
Section 296-301-225. Workroom ventilation.