Section 296-24-37009. Flammable liquids and liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C).  

Latest version.
  • (1) Conformance. The storage of flammable liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C) in connection with spraying operations must conform to the requirements of WAC 296-24-330, where applicable.
    (2) Quantity. The quantity of flammable liquids or liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C) kept in the vicinity of spraying operations must be the minimum required for operations and should ordinarily not exceed a supply for one day or one shift. Bulk storage of portable containers of flammable liquids or liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C) must be in a separate, constructed building detached from other important buildings or cut off in a standard manner.
    (3) Containers. You must use original closed containers, approved portable tanks, approved safety cans or a properly arranged system of piping for bringing flammable liquids or liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C) into spray finishing room. You must not use open or glass containers.
    (4) Transferring liquids. Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, the withdrawal of flammable liquids and liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C) from containers having a capacity of greater than 60 gallons must be by approved pumps. You must only perform the withdrawal of flammable liquids or liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C) from containers and the filling of containers, including portable mixing tanks, in a suitable mixing room or in a spraying area when the ventilating system is in operation. You must take adequate precautions to protect against liquid spillage and sources of ignition.
    (5) Spraying containers. Containers supplying spray nozzles must be of closed type or provided with metal covers kept closed. Containers not resting on floors must be on metal supports or suspended by wire cables. Containers supplying spray nozzles by gravity flow must not exceed 10 gallons capacity. Original shipping containers must not be subject to air pressure for supplying spray nozzles. Containers under air pressure supplying spray nozzles must be of limited capacity, not exceeding that necessary for one day's operation; must be designed and approved for such use; must be provided with a visible pressure gage; and must be provided with a relief valve set to operate in conformance with the requirements of the Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code—1968. Containers under air pressure supplying spray nozzles, air-storage tanks and coolers must conform to the standards of the Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code—1968 for construction, tests, and maintenance.
    (6) Pipes and hoses.
    (a) You must provide all containers or piping to which is attached a hose or flexible connection with a shutoff valve at the connection. You must keep such valves shut when spraying operations are not being conducted.
    (b) When a pump is used to deliver products, you must provide automatic means to prevent pressure in excess of the design working pressure of accessories, piping, and hose.
    (c) You must inspect all pressure hose and couplings at regular intervals appropriate to this service. You must test the hose and couplings with the hose extended, and using the "inservice maximum operating pressures." You must withdraw any hose showing material deteriorations, signs of leakage, or weakness in its carcass or at the couplings, from service and repaired or discarded.
    (d) Piping systems conveying flammable liquids or liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C) must be of steel or other material having comparable properties of resistance to heat and physical damage. You must properly bond and ground systems.
    (7) Spray liquid heaters. Electrically powered spray liquid heaters must be approved and listed for the specific location in which used (see WAC 296-24-37005). You must not locate heaters in spray booths nor other locations subject to the accumulation of deposits or combustible residue. Agitators, if used, should preferably be driven by compressed air, water, or low-pressure steam. If an electric motor is used, (see WAC 296-24-37005).
    (8) Pump relief. If flammable liquids or liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C) are supplied to spray nozzles by positive displacement pumps, you must provide the pump discharge line with an approved relief valve discharging to a pump suction or a safe detached location, or a device provided to stop the prime mover if the discharge pressure exceeds the safe operating pressure of the system.
    (9) Grounding. Whenever flammable liquids or liquids with a flashpoint greater than 199.4°F (93°C) are transferred from one container to another, you must effectively bond and ground both containers to prevent discharge sparks of static electricity.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 15-24-100, § 296-24-37009, filed 12/1/15, effective 1/5/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and 29 C.F.R. 1910 Subpart Z. WSR 14-07-086, § 296-24-37009, filed 3/18/14, effective 5/1/14; Order 73-5, § 296-24-37009, filed 5/9/73 and Order 73-4, § 296-24-37009, filed 5/7/73.]
RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 15-24-100, § 296-24-37009, filed 12/1/15, effective 1/5/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060 and 29 C.F.R. 1910 Subpart Z. WSR 14-07-086, § 296-24-37009, filed 3/18/14, effective 5/1/14; Order 73-5, § 296-24-37009, filed 5/9/73 and Order 73-4, § 296-24-37009, filed 5/7/73.

