Section 296-17B-970. Hazard Group 7 tables.  

Latest version.
  • Premium-Based Plan, with no Single Loss Limit
    Insurance Charge Table
    Hazard Group 7
    Effective November 19, 2010
    Premium-Based Plan, with no Single Loss Limit
    Insurance Savings Table
    Hazard Group 7
    Effective November 19, 2010
    Premium-Based Plan, with Various Single Loss Limits
    Insurance Charge Table
    Hazard Group 7
    Effective November 19, 2010
    Premium-Based Plan, with Various Single Loss Limits
    Insurance Savings Table
    Hazard Group 7
    Effective November 19, 2010
    Loss-Based Plan, with no Single Loss Limit
    Insurance Charge Table
    Hazard Group 7
    Effective November 19, 2010
    Loss-Based Plan, with no Single Loss Limit
    Insurance Savings Table
    Hazard Group 7
    Effective November 19, 2010
    Loss-Based Plan, with Various Single Loss Limits
    Insurance Charge Table
    Hazard Group 7
    Effective November 19, 2010
    Loss-Based Plan, with Various Single Loss Limits
    Insurance Savings Table
    Hazard Group 7
    Effective November 19, 2010
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.16.100, 51.04.020(1), and 51.18.010. WSR 10-21-086, § 296-17B-970, filed 10/19/10, effective 11/19/10.]
RCW 51.16.035, 51.16.100, 51.04.020(1), and 51.18.010. WSR 10-21-086, § 296-17B-970, filed 10/19/10, effective 11/19/10.