Washington Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 23, 2016) |
Title 296. Labor and Industries, Department of |
Chapter 296-17. General reporting rules, audit and recordkeeping, rates and rating system for Washington workers' compensation insurance. |
Section 296-17-31011. Classification system and plan.
Latest version.
- (1) What is a workers' compensation classification system?A workers' compensation classification system is an objective method of collecting money (premiums) to pay the benefits of workers injured on the job. We believe the method used to spread this cost among the employers we insure should be fair and have some relationship to their hazard and potential for loss. Classifications are the tool used to achieve a fair method of distributing the risk among employers we insure. Objective boundaries are established for each classification. These boundaries describe the types of businesses which are included in the classification, as well as the operations and employments routinely encountered. We refer to these objective boundaries as the scope of the classification. Once these boundaries have been defined, we can begin collecting information about the employers assigned to each classification. The information includes the exposure which is being covered (risk) and the losses (claims) which are related to these businesses. Next, we use this information to establish premium rates that employers in each industry will pay for their workers' compensation insurance. Our goal is to produce fair insurance rates which reflect the hazardous nature of each industry. We have tailored our classification system in Washington to reflect industries found in our state. This makes our system responsive to change and provides rate payer equity to the employers we insure. Employers engaged in more hazardous industries such as logging will pay higher insurance rates than employers engaged in less hazardous businesses such as retail store operations.(2) Why is a classification system needed?We need a classification system to provide fair premium rates. Washington law (RCW 51.16.035) also requires us to have a classification system.(3) Is the classification system the same as the classification plan?No, we refer to the body of rules (WACs) which establish the general parameters of how classifications are to be used as the "classification system." These rules speak to the requirements of workers' compensation insurance and to our general classification approach, such as classifying by nature of business in the state of Washington, not by occupation of worker. The "classification plan" refers to all of the various classification descriptions which describe different types of business or industry. The classification system rules (general rules) will apply to all businesses unless another treatment is specifically provided for in the classification plan rules (special rules).(4) How is our classification plan designed?We have designed a plan which is keyed to the nature of the businesses or industries of the employers we insure. Our plan has over three hundred business or industry classifications. Each classification carries a premium rate which reflects the hazards that workers are exposed to. Descriptions of our classifications can be found in WAC 296-17A-0101 through 296-17A-7400.(5) Is your classification approach similar to the approach used by private insurance companies?Yes, we are required by law (RCW 51.16.035) to use the same classification (underwriting) approach used by private carriers.[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.06.035, 51.08.010, 51.04.020. WSR 07-12-045, § 296-17-31011, filed 5/31/07, effective 7/1/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. WSR 00-14-052, § 296-17-31011, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. WSR 98-18-042, § 296-17-31011, filed 8/28/98, effective 10/1/98.](Effective January 1, 2017.)
WAC 296-17-31011
Classification system and plan.
Washington law (RCW 51.16.035) requires us to classify occupations or industries by their level of hazard, in accordance with recognized principles of workers' compensation insurance which encourage safety and facilitate premium collection. The classification system and plan in Washington are based on insurance principles similar to those in other states and also reflect Washington's industries and workers' compensation laws.(1) What is the workers' compensation classification system?The rules in chapter 296-17 WAC are the workers' compensation classification system. These rules:• Define how we apply the classification plan to classify businesses by their degree of hazard.• Assign premium rates that fairly represent employers' risks so that the premiums we collect cover all claim costs.Our classification system follows recognized insurance principles described in WAC 296-17-31029 Insurance principles. These principles help ensure that employers are properly grouped and fairly rated.We group industries that share similar risks together for common rating. Employers with similar risks tend to have workplace injuries with similar frequency, severity, and cause. Higher hazard industries are more likely to have workplace injuries, and the injuries are more likely to be severe.By analyzing the history of injuries and costs for each classification grouping, we can reliably project future costs of claims for a classification. We adjust premium rates yearly so that we collect enough premiums to pay for these projected costs. Employers engaged in higher hazard industries, such as logging, will pay higher premium rates than employers engaged in lower hazard businesses, such as retail store operations.The workers' compensation classification system rules apply to all businesses unless another treatment is specifically provided for in the classification plan (see subsection (2) of this section).(2) What is a workers' compensation classification plan?The rules in chapter 296-17A WAC are the workers' compensation plan. These rules group employers into risk classifications based on the nature of a business. We do not classify and rate individual jobs or occupations (see Example 2, WAC 296-17-31015 General inclusions). Instead, each classification describes the types of businesses and operations it includes, and the classification is a blend of exposures and risks representing the combined work for all of the businesses in the classification. Sometimes a classification may also reference certain operations (tasks, processes, activities, etc.) excluded from the classification. We refer to the boundary between what is included in and excluded from a classification as the "scope" of the classification.The classification plan in chapter 296-17A WAC provides descriptions and scopes for businesses and industries found in the state of Washington.Classifying by the nature of business:• Makes our classification plan responsive to industry innovation and change.Note:When businesses in a particular industry are grouped together in the same classification and new practices or technological improvements change the level of hazard for the industry, the classification's rates automatically adjust in response to the changes.• Ensures our classifications represent businesses with similar levels of hazard, which in turn promotes fair and equitable rates.[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020 and 51.16.035. WSR 16-14-085, § 296-17-31011, filed 7/5/16, effective 1/1/17. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.06.035, 51.08.010, 51.04.020. WSR 07-12-045, § 296-17-31011, filed 5/31/07, effective 7/1/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. WSR 00-14-052, § 296-17-31011, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. WSR 98-18-042, § 296-17-31011, filed 8/28/98, effective 10/1/98.]
RCW 51.06.035, 51.08.010, 51.04.020. WSR 07-12-045, § 296-17-31011, filed 5/31/07, effective 7/1/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. WSR 00-14-052, § 296-17-31011, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. WSR 98-18-042, § 296-17-31011, filed 8/28/98, effective 10/1/98.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020 and 51.16.035. WSR 16-14-085, § 296-17-31011, filed 7/5/16, effective 1/1/17. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.06.035, 51.08.010, 51.04.020. WSR 07-12-045, § 296-17-31011, filed 5/31/07, effective 7/1/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.04.020. WSR 00-14-052, § 296-17-31011, filed 7/1/00, effective 7/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. WSR 98-18-042, § 296-17-31011, filed 8/28/98, effective 10/1/98.