Section 296-150C-1040. Floors.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Wood floors or subfloors in kitchens, bathrooms (including toilet compartments), laundry rooms, water heater compartments, and any other areas subject to excessive moisture must be moisture resistant; or they must be made moisture resistant by sealing or by an overlay of nonabsorbent material applied with water-resistant adhesive.
    (2) Carpeting cannot be used under a heat producing appliance unless the appliance is listed for such use.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340, [43.22.]355, [43.22.]360, [43.22.]432, [43.22.]440 and [43.22.]480. WSR 96-21-146, § 296-150C-1040, filed 10/23/96, effective 11/25/96.]
RCW 43.22.340, [43.22.]355, [43.22.]360, [43.22.]432, [43.22.]440 and [43.22.]480. WSR 96-21-146, § 296-150C-1040, filed 10/23/96, effective 11/25/96.