Chapter 246-924. Psychologists.  

Section 246-924-001. Guidelines for the promulgation of administrative rules.
Section 246-924-010. Definitions.
Section 246-924-030. Guidelines for the employment and/or supervision of auxiliary staff.
Section 246-924-043. Education and experience requirements for licensure.
Section 246-924-046. Doctoral degree program.
Section 246-924-047. Courses completed outside the doctoral degree granting program.
Section 246-924-049. Practicum.
Section 246-924-053. Preinternship.
Section 246-924-056. Internship.
Section 246-924-059. Post-doctoral supervised experience.
Section 246-924-070. Psychologists—Written examination.
Section 246-924-095. Failure of written examinations.
Section 246-924-100. Qualifications for granting of license by endorsement.
Section 246-924-110. AIDS education and training.
Section 246-924-115. Brief adjudicative proceedings—Denials based on failure to meet education, experience, or examination prerequisites for licensure.
Section 246-924-130. Certificates of qualification.
Section 246-924-140. Certificates of qualification—Title.
Section 246-924-150. Certificates of qualification—Procedure for additional areas of function.
Section 246-924-160. Continued supervision of persons receiving certificates of qualification.
Section 246-924-170. Certificates of qualification—Representations to clients.
Section 246-924-180. Continuing education—Purpose and scope.
Section 246-924-230. Continuing education requirements.
Section 246-924-240. Definitions of categories of creditable continuing education.
Section 246-924-250. Continuing education—Special considerations.
Section 246-924-255. Suicide training standards.
Section 246-924-300. Definition of acceptable documentation and proof of CE.
Section 246-924-330. Continuing education—Exemptions.
Section 246-924-351. Rules of ethical conduct.
Section 246-924-352. Definitions.
Section 246-924-353. Competence.
Section 246-924-354. Maintenance and retention of records.
Section 246-924-355. Continuity of care.
Section 246-924-356. Impaired objectivity.
Section 246-924-357. Multiple relationships.
Section 246-924-358. Sexual misconduct.
Section 246-924-359. Client welfare.
Section 246-924-361. Exploiting supervisees and research subjects.
Section 246-924-363. Protecting confidentiality of clients.
Section 246-924-364. Fees.
Section 246-924-365. Assessment procedures.
Section 246-924-366. Fraud, misrepresentation, or deception.
Section 246-924-367. Aiding illegal practice.
Section 246-924-445. Parenting evaluations—Standards.
Section 246-924-467. Limited services related to parenting evaluations.
Section 246-924-470. Examination fees—Failure to appear at examination session.
Section 246-924-475. Model procedural rules.
Section 246-924-480. Temporary permits.
Section 246-924-483. How to obtain a temporary practice permit while the national background check is completed.
Section 246-924-495. Qualifications for granting a license.
Section 246-924-500. Retired active credential.
Section 246-924-990. Psychology fees and renewal cycle.