Section 173-700-211. Content of the prospectus.  

Latest version.
  • At a minimum, the prospectus must contain information on the following elements:
    (1) The goals and objectives of the project;
    (2) Location including city or county, proximity to existing roads and other landmarks, and a vicinity map showing location of the proposed site(s);
    (3) A statement of how the bank meets any watershed restoration needs and how its design and location are ecologically appropriate;
    (4) The rationale for site selection addressing the considerations listed in WAC 173-700-303;
    (5) The general need for the proposed bank project;
    (6) General site map(s) that includes, but is not limited to:
    (a) Total area of site;
    (b) Location, size, and number of existing wetlands;
    (c) Location of all streams, ponds, and other water features on or adjacent to the site;
    (d) Location and type of all known water control features on or adjacent to the site; and
    (e) Presence of rights of way, easements, or other encumbrances.
    (7) A description of existing conditions of the proposed site(s) including, but not limited to:
    (a) Land ownership;
    (b) Local land use or zoning designation;
    (c) Current use;
    (d) Presence of liens, rights of way, easements, or other encumbrances;
    (e) The landscape position of the site including water resource inventory area (WRIA), basin, and subbasin location;
    (f) Wetland types present on the site including Cowardin classification and hydrogeomorphic (HGM) class of each wetland;
    (g) Other habitat types present;
    (h) Available information on water sources including surface water features, preliminary groundwater information, soil types, and vegetation;
    (i) A preliminary analysis of functions provided by on-site wetlands;
    (j) Adjacent land uses that might affect the bank's function;
    (k) Site constraints, conflicts, or known risks that could affect bank development or function;
    (l) Identification of all buildings, structures, and other built features that would remain on the site after construction; and
    (m) Identification of existing mitigation sites and whether they will remain on-site after construction.
    (8) Description of conceptual site design, including but not limited to:
    (a) Proposed types and approximate sizes of wetlands;
    (b) Other proposed habitat types to be provided;
    (c) Proposed functions that the bank is anticipated to provide;
    (d) Description of alterations to hydrology;
    (e) Location of grading, if applicable; and
    (f) Proposed structures (e.g., perch poles, weirs, trails, etc.).
    (9) Figures illustrating the conceptual bank design;
    (10) Proposed service area and accompanying rationale that demonstrates the service area is ecologically appropriate;
    (11) Discussion of whether water rights have been applied for or secured for the site, if needed;
    (12) Identification of proposed permanent protection mechanism, such as a conservation easement;
    (13) The proposed ownership arrangements and long-term management strategy for the bank;
    (14) Description of how the proposed bank project meets federal, state, and local laws and rules;
    (15) Identification of whether the bank site is fully or partially located on agricultural lands of long-term commercial significance;
    (16) The qualifications of the sponsor to successfully complete the proposed bank project(s), including information describing any past such activities by the sponsor; and
    (17) The qualifications of the main design team and their areas of expertise.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapter 90.84 RCW. WSR 09-19-013 (Order 04-13), § 173-700-211, filed 9/3/09, effective 10/4/09.]
Chapter 90.84 RCW. WSR 09-19-013 (Order 04-13), § 173-700-211, filed 9/3/09, effective 10/4/09.

