Chapter 173-401. Operating permit regulation.  

Section 173-401-100. Program overview.
Section 173-401-200. Definitions.
Section 173-401-300. Applicability.
Section 173-401-400. Program delegation.
Section 173-401-500. Permit applications.
Section 173-401-510. Permit application form.
Section 173-401-520. Certification.
Section 173-401-530. Insignificant emission units.
Section 173-401-531. Thresholds for hazardous air pollutants.
Section 173-401-532. Categorically exempt insignificant emission units.
Section 173-401-533. Units and activities defined as insignificant on the basis of size or production rate.
Section 173-401-600. Permit content.
Section 173-401-605. Emission standards and limitations.
Section 173-401-610. Permit duration.
Section 173-401-615. Monitoring and related recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
Section 173-401-620. Standard terms and conditions.
Section 173-401-625. Federally enforceable requirements.
Section 173-401-630. Compliance requirements.
Section 173-401-635. Temporary sources.
Section 173-401-640. Permit shield.
Section 173-401-645. Emergency provision.
Section 173-401-650. Operational flexibility.
Section 173-401-700. Action on application.
Section 173-401-705. Requirement for a permit.
Section 173-401-710. Permit renewal, revocation and expiration.
Section 173-401-720. Administrative permit amendments.
Section 173-401-722. Changes not requiring permit revisions.
Section 173-401-724. Off-permit changes.
Section 173-401-725. Permit modification.
Section 173-401-730. Reopening for cause.
Section 173-401-735. Permit appeals.
Section 173-401-750. General permits.
Section 173-401-800. Public involvement.
Section 173-401-805. Permit register.
Section 173-401-810. EPA review.
Section 173-401-820. Review by affected states.
Section 173-401-900. Fee determination—Ecology.
Section 173-401-905. Fee determination—Delegated local authorities.
Section 173-401-910. General permit fee determination.
Section 173-401-915. Fee collection—Ecology and delegated local authorities.
Section 173-401-920. Accountability—Ecology and delegated local authorities.
Section 173-401-925. Source data statements and petition for review of statements—Ecology and delegated local authorities.
Section 173-401-930. Fee payment and penalties—Ecology.
Section 173-401-935. Development and oversight remittance by local authorities—Ecology and delegated local authorities.
Section 173-401-940. Fee eligible activities—Ecology and delegated local authorities.