Section 173-303-380. Facility recordkeeping.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Operating record. The owner or operator of a facility must keep a written operating record at their facility. The following information must be recorded, as it becomes available, and maintained in the operating record until closure of the facility:
    (a) A description of and the quantity of each dangerous waste received or managed on-site, and the method(s) and date(s) of its treatment, storage, or disposal at the facility as required by subsection (2) of this section, recordkeeping instructions;
    (b) The location of each dangerous waste within the facility and the quantity at each location. For disposal facilities, the location and quantity of each dangerous waste must be recorded on a map or diagram of each cell or disposal area. For all facilities, this information must include cross-references to specific manifest document numbers, if the waste was accompanied by a manifest;
    (c) Records and results of waste analyses, waste determinations (as required by 40 C.F.R. Parts 264 and 265, Subpart CC), and trial tests required by WAC 173-303-300, General waste analysis, and by 40 C.F.R. sections 264.1034, 264.1063, 264.1083, 265.1034, 265.1063, 265.1084, 268.4(a), and 268.7. Note that data from laboratory analyses for 40 C.F.R. 268.4(a) and 268.7 must meet the requirements of WAC 173-303-110;
    (d) Summary reports and details of all incidents that require implementing the contingency plan, as specified in WAC 173-303-360 (2)(k);
    (e) Records and results of inspections as required by WAC 173-303-320 (2)(d), General inspection (except such information need be kept only for five years);
    (f) Monitoring, testing, or analytical data, and corrective action where required by 40 C.F.R. Part 265 Subparts F through R and sections 265.1034 (c) through (f), 265.1035, 265.1063 (d) through (i), 265.1064, and 265.1083 through 265.1090 for interim status facilities (incorporated by reference at WAC 173-303-400(3)), and by WAC 173-303-630 through 173-303-695 and 40 C.F.R. sections 264.1034 (c) through (f), 264.1035, 264.1063 (d) through (i), 264.1064, and 264.1082 through 264.1090 for final status facilities (incorporated by reference at WAC 173-303-690, 173-303-691, and 173-303-692). Note that data provided from laboratory analyses for WAC 173-303-400(3) which incorporates by reference 40 C.F.R. Part 265 Subparts F through R, WAC 173-303-140 (4)(b), 173-303-395(1), 173-303-630 through 173-303-680, 173-303-693 and 173-303-695, 40 C.F.R. 268.4(a) and 268.7 must meet the requirements of WAC 173-303-110;
    (g) All closure and post-closure cost estimates required for the facility;
    (h) For off-site facilities, copies of notices to generators informing them that the facility has all appropriate permits, as required by WAC 173-303-290, Required notices;
    (i) Records of the quantities (and date of placement) for each shipment of hazardous waste placed in land disposal units under an extension to the effective date of any land disposal restriction granted pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 268.5, a petition pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 268.6, and the applicable notice required by a generator under 40 C.F.R. 268.7(a);
    (j) For an off-site treatment facility, a copy of the notice, and the certification and demonstration, if applicable, required by the generator or the owner or operator under 40 C.F.R. 268.7;
    (k) For an on-site treatment facility, the information contained in the notice (except the manifest number), and the certification and demonstration if applicable, required by the generator or the owner or operator under 40 C.F.R. 268.7;
    (l) For an off-site land disposal facility, a copy of the notice, and the certification and demonstration if applicable, required by the generator or the owner or operator of a treatment facility under 40 C.F.R. 268.7;
    (m) For an on-site land disposal facility, the information contained in the notice required by the generator or owner or operator of a treatment facility under 40 C.F.R. 268.7, except for the manifest number;
    (n) For an off-site storage facility, a copy of the notice, and the certification and demonstration if applicable, required by the generator or the owner or operator under 40 C.F.R. 268.7;
    (o) For an on-site storage facility, the information contained in the notice (except the manifest number), and the certification and demonstration if applicable, required by the generator or the owner or operator under 40 C.F.R. 268.7;
    (p) Any records required under WAC 173-303-280(6);
    (q) A certification by the permittee no less often than annually, that the permittee has a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of hazardous waste that they generate to the degree determined by the permittee to be economically practicable; and the proposed method of treatment, storage or disposal is that practicable method currently available to the permittee which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; and
    (r) Certifications of major repairs to tank systems as required by WAC 173-303-640 (7)(f).
    (2) Recordkeeping instructions. This subsection provides instructions for recording the portions of the operating record which are related to describing the types, quantities, and management of dangerous wastes at the facility. This information must be recorded, as it becomes available, and maintained in the operating record until closure of the facility, as follows:
    (a) Each dangerous waste received, treated, stored, or disposed of at the facility must be described by its common name and by its dangerous waste number(s) from WAC 173-303-080 through 173-303-104. Each listed, characteristic, and criteria waste has its own four-digit dangerous waste number. Where a dangerous waste contains more than one process waste or waste constituent the waste description must include all applicable dangerous waste numbers. If the dangerous waste number is not listed, the waste description must include the process which generated the waste;
    (b) The waste description must include the waste's physical form (i.e., liquid, solid, sludge, or contained gas);
    (c) The estimated or manifest-reported weight, or volume and density, where applicable, of the dangerous waste must be recorded, using one of the units of measure specified in Table 1, below; and
    TABLE 1
    1Single-digit symbols are used here for data processing purposes.
    (d) The method(s) (by handling code(s)) of management for each dangerous waste received or managed, and the date(s) of treatment, recycling, storage, or disposal must be recorded, using the handling code(s) specified in Table 2, below.
    TABLE 2 - Handling Codes for Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Methods
    Enter the handling code(s) listed below that most closely represents the technique(s) used at the facility to treat, store, or dispose of each quantity of dangerous waste received.
    1. Storage
    S01 Container (barrel, drum, etc.)
    S02 Tank
    S03 Waste pile
    S04 Surface impoundment
    S05 Drip Pad
    S06 Containment Building (Storage)
    S99 Other storage (specify)
    2. Treatment
    (a) Thermal Treatment
    T06 Liquid injection incinerator
    T07 Rotary kiln incinerator
    T08 Fluidized bed incinerator
    T09 Multiple hearth incinerator
    T10 Infrared furnace incinerator
    T11 Molten salt destructor
    T12 Pyrolysis
    T13 Wet air oxidation
    T14 Calcination
    T15 Microwave discharge
    T18 Other (specify)
    (b) Chemical treatment
    T19 Absorption mound
    T20 Absorption field
    T21 Chemical fixation
    T22 Chemical oxidation
    T23 Chemical precipitation
    T24 Chemical reduction
    T25 Chlorination
    T26 Chlorinolysis
    T27 Cyanide destruction
    T28 Degradation
    T29 Detoxification
    T30 Ion exchange
    T31 Neutralization
    T32 Ozonation
    T33 Photolysis
    T34 Other (specify)
    (c) Physical treatment
    (i) Separation of components
    T35 Centrifugation
    T36 Clarification
    T37 Coagulation
    T38 Decanting
    T39 Encapsulation
    T40 Filtration
    T41 Flocculation
    T42 Flotation
    T43 Foaming
    T44 Sedimentation
    T45 Thickening
    T46 Ultrafiltration
    T47 Other (specify)
    (ii) Removal of specific components
    T48 Absorption-molecular sieve
    T49 Activated carbon
    T50 Blending
    T51 Catalysis
    T52 Crystallization
    T53 Dialysis
    T54 Distillation
    T55 Electrodialysis
    T56 Electrolysis
    T57 Evaporation
    T58 High gradient magnetic separation
    T59 Leaching
    T60 Liquid ion exchange
    T61 Liquid-liquid extraction
    T62 Reverse osmosis
    T63 Solvent recovery
    T64 Stripping
    T65 Sand filter
    T66 Other (specify)
    (d) Biological treatment
    T67 Activated sludge
    T68 Aerobic lagoon
    T69 Aerobic tank
    T70 Anaerobic tank
    T71 Composting
    T72 Septic tank
    T73 Spray irrigation
    T74 Thickening filter
    T75 Trickling filter
    T76 Waste stabilization pond
    T77 Other (specify)
    T78-79 (Reserved)
    (e) Boilers and industrial furnaces
    T80 Boiler
    T81 Cement kiln
    T82 Lime kiln
    T83 Aggregate kiln
    T84 Phosphate kiln
    T85 Coke oven
    T86 Blast furnace
    T87 Smelting, melting, or refining furnace
    T88 Titanium dioxide chloride process oxidation
    T89 Methane reforming furnace
    T90 Pulping liquor recovery furnace
    T91 Combustion device used in the recovery of
    sulfur values from spent sulfuric acid
    T92 Halogen acid furnaces
    T93 Other industrial furnaces listed in WAC
    173-303-040 (specify)
    (f) Other treatment
    T94 Containment building (treatment)
    3. Disposal
    D79 Underground injection
    D80 Landfill
    D81 Land treatment
    D82 Ocean disposal
    D83 Surface impoundment
    (to be closed as a landfill)
    D99 Other disposal (specify)
    4. Miscellaneous (Subpart X)
    X01 Open burning/open detonation
    X02 Mechanical processing
    X03 Thermal unit
    X04 Geologic repository
    X99 Other Subpart X (specify)
    (3) Availability, retention and disposition of records.
    (a) All facility records, including plans, required by this chapter must be furnished upon request, and made available at all reasonable times for inspection, by any officer, employee, or representative of the department who is designated by the director.
    (b) The retention period for all facility records required under this chapter is extended automatically during the course of any unresolved enforcement action regarding the facility or as requested by the director.
    (c) A copy of records of waste disposal locations and quantities under this section must be submitted to the United States EPA regional administrator, the department, and the local land use and planning authority upon closure of the facility.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 15-01-123 (Order 13-07), § 173-303-380, filed 12/18/14, effective 1/18/15. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 09-14-105 (Order 07-12), § 173-303-380, filed 6/30/09, effective 7/31/09. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105, 70.105D, and 15.54 RCW and RCW 70.105.007. WSR 04-24-065 (Order 03-10), § 173-303-380, filed 11/30/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 03-07-049 (Order 02-03), § 173-303-380, filed 3/13/03, effective 4/13/03. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105, 70.105D, 15.54 RCW and RCW 70.105.007. WSR 00-11-040 (Order 99-01), § 173-303-380, filed 5/10/00, effective 6/10/00. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 98-03-018 (Order 97-03), § 173-303-380, filed 1/12/98, effective 2/12/98; WSR 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-380, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW, 40 C.F.R. Part 271.3 and RCRA § 3006 (42 U.S.C. 3251). WSR 91-07-005 (Order 90-42), § 173-303-380, filed 3/7/91, effective 4/7/91. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 86-12-057 (Order DE-85-10), § 173-303-380, filed 6/3/86; WSR 84-09-088 (Order DE 83-36), § 173-303-380, filed 4/18/84. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW and RCW 70.95.260. WSR 82-05-023 (Order DE 81-33), § 173-303-380, filed 2/10/82. Formerly chapter 173-302 WAC.]
Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 15-01-123 (Order 13-07), § 173-303-380, filed 12/18/14, effective 1/18/15. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 09-14-105 (Order 07-12), § 173-303-380, filed 6/30/09, effective 7/31/09. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105, 70.105D, and 15.54 RCW and RCW 70.105.007. WSR 04-24-065 (Order 03-10), § 173-303-380, filed 11/30/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 03-07-049 (Order 02-03), § 173-303-380, filed 3/13/03, effective 4/13/03. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105, 70.105D, 15.54 RCW and RCW 70.105.007. WSR 00-11-040 (Order 99-01), § 173-303-380, filed 5/10/00, effective 6/10/00. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 98-03-018 (Order 97-03), § 173-303-380, filed 1/12/98, effective 2/12/98; WSR 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-380, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW, 40 C.F.R. Part 271.3 and RCRA § 3006 (42 U.S.C. 3251). WSR 91-07-005 (Order 90-42), § 173-303-380, filed 3/7/91, effective 4/7/91. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 86-12-057 (Order DE-85-10), § 173-303-380, filed 6/3/86; WSR 84-09-088 (Order DE 83-36), § 173-303-380, filed 4/18/84. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW and RCW 70.95.260. WSR 82-05-023 (Order DE 81-33), § 173-303-380, filed 2/10/82. Formerly chapter 173-302 WAC.

