Section 173-303-355. Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act Title III coordination.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Owners or operators must coordinate preparedness and prevention planning and contingency planning efforts, conducted under WAC 173-303-340 and 173-303-350, with local emergency planning committees established pursuant to Title III of the 1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act.
    (2) Appropriate and generally accepted computer models should be utilized to determine the impacts of a potential catastrophic air release due to fire, explosion, or other accidental releases of hazardous constituents. Evacuation plans prepared pursuant to WAC 173-303-350 (3)(d) must include those effected persons and areas identified through these modelling efforts.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-355, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.080 and 70.105.210, et seq. WSR 90-20-016, § 173-303-355, filed 9/21/90, effective 10/22/90.]
Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-355, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.080 and 70.105.210, et seq. WSR 90-20-016, § 173-303-355, filed 9/21/90, effective 10/22/90.

