Section 173-303-330. Personnel training.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Training program. The facility owner or operator must provide a program of classroom instruction or on-the-job training for facility personnel. This program must teach personnel to perform their duties in a way that ensures the facility's compliance with this chapter 173-303 WAC, must teach facility personnel dangerous waste management procedures (including contingency plan implementation) relevant to the positions in which they are employed, must ensure that facility personnel are able to respond effectively to emergencies, and must include those elements set forth in the training plan required in subsection (2) of this section. In addition:
    (a) The training program must be directed by a person knowledgeable in dangerous waste management procedures, and must include training relevant to the positions in which the facility personnel are employed;
    (b) Facility personnel must participate in an annual review of the training provided in the training program;
    (c) This program must be successfully completed by the facility personnel:
    (i) Within six months after these regulations become effective; or
    (ii) Within six months after their employment at or assignment to the facility, or to a new position at the facility, whichever is later.
    (d) Employees hired after the effective date of these regulations must be supervised until they complete the training program; and
    (e) At a minimum, the training program must familiarize facility personnel with emergency equipment and systems, and emergency procedures. The program must include other parameters as set forth by the department, but at a minimum must include, where applicable:
    (i) Procedures for using, inspecting, repairing, and replacing facility emergency and monitoring equipment;
    (ii) Key parameters for automatic waste feed cut-off systems;
    (iii) Communications or alarm systems;
    (iv) Response to fires or explosions;
    (v) Response to ground-water contamination incidents; and
    (vi) Shutdown of operations.
    (2) Written training plan. The owner or operator must develop a written training plan which must be kept at the facility and which must include the following documents and records:
    (a) For each position related to dangerous waste management at the facility, the job title, the job description, and the name of the employee filling each job. The job description must include the requisite skills, education, other qualifications, and duties for each position;
    (b) A written description of the type and amount of both introductory and continuing training required for each position; and
    (c) Records documenting that facility personnel have received and completed the training required by this section. The department may require, on a case-by-case basis, that training records include employee initials or signature to verify that training was received.
    (3) Training records. Training records on current personnel must be kept until closure of the facility. Training records on former employees must be kept for at least three years from the date the employee last worked at the facility. Personnel training records may accompany personnel transferred within the same company.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 15-01-123 (Order 13-07), § 173-303-330, filed 12/18/14, effective 1/18/15. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-330, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95; WSR 94-01-060 (Order 92-33), § 173-303-330, filed 12/8/93, effective 1/8/94. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 84-09-088 (Order DE 83-36), § 173-303-330, filed 4/18/84. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW and RCW 70.95.260. WSR 82-05-023 (Order DE 81-33), § 173-303-330, filed 2/10/82. Formerly WAC 173-302-320.]
Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 15-01-123 (Order 13-07), § 173-303-330, filed 12/18/14, effective 1/18/15. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-330, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95; WSR 94-01-060 (Order 92-33), § 173-303-330, filed 12/8/93, effective 1/8/94. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 84-09-088 (Order DE 83-36), § 173-303-330, filed 4/18/84. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW and RCW 70.95.260. WSR 82-05-023 (Order DE 81-33), § 173-303-330, filed 2/10/82. Formerly WAC 173-302-320.

