Section 173-303-030. Abbreviations.  

Latest version.
  • The following abbreviations are used in this regulation.
    APTI - Association for Preservation Technology International
    ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials
    APHA - American Public Health Association
    CAMU - corrective action management unit
    CDC - Center for Disease Control
    C.F.R. - Code of Federal Regulations
    DOT - Department of Transportation
    °C - degrees Celsius
    DRE - destruction and removal efficiency
    DW - dangerous waste
    DWS - drinking water standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act
    EHW - extremely hazardous waste
    EP - extraction procedure
    EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
    °F - degrees Fahrenheit
    g - gram
    IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer
    IFC - International Fire Code
    kg - kilogram (one thousand grams)
    L - liter
    lb - pound
    LC50 - median lethal concentration
    LD50 - median lethal dose
    MACT - maximum achievable control technology
    M - molar (gram molecular weights per liter of solution)
    mg - milligram (one thousandth of a gram)
    NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
    NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
    pH - negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration
    PODC - principal organic dangerous constituent
    POTW - publicly owned treatment works
    ppm - parts per million (weight/weight)
    RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
    RCW - Revised Code of Washington
    TEQ - toxicity equivalence
    TSD facility - treatment, storage, or disposal facility
    TU - temporary unit
    UBC - Uniform Building Code
    UFC - Uniform Fire Code
    USCG - United States Coast Guard
    USGS - United States Geological Survey
    WAC - Washington Administrative Code
    % - percent
    # - number
    [Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 09-14-105 (Order 07-12), § 173-303-030, filed 6/30/09, effective 7/31/09. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105, 70.105D, and 15.54 RCW and RCW 70.105.007. WSR 04-24-065 (Order 03-10), § 173-303-030, filed 11/30/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-030, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 84-09-088 (Order DE 83-36), § 173-303-030, filed 4/18/84. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW and RCW 70.95.260. WSR 82-05-023 (Order DE 81-33), § 173-303-030, filed 2/10/82. Formerly WAC 173-302-030.]
Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 09-14-105 (Order 07-12), § 173-303-030, filed 6/30/09, effective 7/31/09. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105, 70.105D, and 15.54 RCW and RCW 70.105.007. WSR 04-24-065 (Order 03-10), § 173-303-030, filed 11/30/04, effective 1/1/05. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.105 and 70.105D RCW. WSR 95-22-008 (Order 94-30), § 173-303-030, filed 10/19/95, effective 11/19/95. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW. WSR 84-09-088 (Order DE 83-36), § 173-303-030, filed 4/18/84. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.105 RCW and RCW 70.95.260. WSR 82-05-023 (Order DE 81-33), § 173-303-030, filed 2/10/82. Formerly WAC 173-302-030.