Section 173-300-150. Unlawful acts—Variance from requirements.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, municipal corporation, or other governmental subdivision or agency to operate a solid waste incineration or landfill facility unless an operator in responsible charge is duly certified by the director under this chapter or any lawful rule or order of the department. The department shall allow the owner or operator of a landfill or solid waste incineration facility to request a variance from this requirement under emergency conditions. Emergency conditions may include but are not limited to unexpected health related problems that incapacitate the operator or an unexpected termination of employment of the operator. The department may impose conditions that may be necessary to protect human health and the environment during the term of the variance.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.95 RCW. WSR 06-14-024 (Order 05-13), § 173-300-150, filed 6/26/06, effective 7/27/06. Statutory Authority: 1989 c 431. WSR 00-19-017 (Order 00-16), § 173-300-150, filed 9/8/00, effective 10/9/00. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.95D RCW and RCW 70.95.710. WSR 91-01-093, § 173-300-150, filed 12/18/90, effective 1/1/91.]
Chapter 70.95 RCW. WSR 06-14-024 (Order 05-13), § 173-300-150, filed 6/26/06, effective 7/27/06. Statutory Authority: 1989 c 431. WSR 00-19-017 (Order 00-16), § 173-300-150, filed 9/8/00, effective 10/9/00. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.95D RCW and RCW 70.95.710. WSR 91-01-093, § 173-300-150, filed 12/18/90, effective 1/1/91.