Chapter 173-183. Oil spill natural resource damage assessment.  

Section 173-183-010. Purpose.
Section 173-183-020. Authority.
Section 173-183-030. Applicability.
Section 173-183-100. Definitions.
Section 173-183-200. Preassessment screening process.
Section 173-183-210. Incident discovery and reporting.
Section 173-183-220. Initial site reconnaissance and notification of the RDA committee.
Section 173-183-230. RDA committee.
Section 173-183-240. Preassessment screening.
Section 173-183-250. Damage assessment studies.
Section 173-183-260. Restoration and enhancement projects proposed by the PLP.
Section 173-183-270. Participation.
Section 173-183-300. Purpose.
Section 173-183-310. Authority.
Section 173-183-320. Compensation schedule.
Section 173-183-330. Resource damage assessment using the compensation schedule.
Section 173-183-340. Oil class ranking.
Section 173-183-400. Vulnerability of marine and estuarine environments to oil spills.
Section 173-183-410. Marine and estuarine habitat vulnerability.
Section 173-183-420. Marine bird vulnerability.
Section 173-183-430. Marine fisheries vulnerability.
Section 173-183-440. Shellfish vulnerability.
Section 173-183-450. Salmon vulnerability.
Section 173-183-460. Marine mammal vulnerability.
Section 173-183-470. Marine and estuarine recreation vulnerability.
Section 173-183-500. Vulnerability of the Columbia River estuary environment to oil spills.
Section 173-183-600. Vulnerability of freshwater stream, river, and lake environments to oil spills.
Section 173-183-610. Freshwater vulnerability index.
Section 173-183-620. Habitat index.
Section 173-183-700. Vulnerability of freshwater wetland environments to oil spills.
Section 173-183-710. Wetlands vulnerability classification.
Section 173-183-800. Calculation of damages using the compensation schedule general.
Section 173-183-810. On-scene coordinator responsibilities.
Section 173-183-820. RDA committee chair responsibilities.
Section 173-183-830. Calculation of damages for spills into marine and estuarine waters, except the Columbia River estuary.
Section 173-183-840. Calculation of damages for spills into the Columbia River estuary.
Section 173-183-850. Calculation of damages for spills in freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes.
Section 173-183-860. Calculation of damages for spills into freshwater wetlands.
Section 173-183-865. Calculation of damages for spills entering more than one type of receiving environment.
Section 173-183-870. Reduction of damages based on actions taken by the potential liable party (PLP).
Section 173-183-880. Damage claim.
Section 173-183-890. Substitution of damages.
Section 173-183-900. Annual report.
Section 173-183-910. Severability.
Section 173-183-920. Appendices.