Washington Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 23, 2016) |
Title 173. Ecology, Department of (See Titles 197, 317, 372, and 508) |
Chapter 173-182. Oil spill contingency plan. |
Section 173-182-345. Determining effectiveness of recovery systems.
Latest version.
- Plan holders and PRCs that own equipment shall provide information for ecology to determine the effectiveness of the recovery systems and how the equipment meets the planning standards. To avoid duplication, plan holders relying upon a PRC to meet the necessary planning standards may reference the information submitted in the PRC's application, as approved by the department. Ecology will use the criteria in ASTM International F 1780-97 (reapproved 2010).Determination of efficiency of recovery systems in varied operating environments and product types:(1) For all skimmers, describe how the device is intended to be transported and deployed. List the boom and work boats associated with each water based skimming system. Identify the pumps and pumping capacity that will be used to transfer product to storage devices.(2) For all oil recovery systems that rely on a vessel of opportunity or nondedicated transport asset, include a statement on how the asset would be located and secured. Include in the plan the mobilization time needed to ensure the assets are available, as well as the time needed to set up the oil recovery system, and the personnel that will be used in the operations. This may require longer mobilization time than those found in this chapter.