Section 16-230-840. What are the boundaries and restrictions for Area 2?  

Latest version.
  • (1) Area 2 description. An area including all lands lying within a boundary line beginning at the northwest corner of Section 25, T10N, R26E; thence south approximately five miles along section lines to the intersection with the Kennewick Irrigation District (K.I.D.) main canal; thence easterly along the K.I.D. main canal to the Amon pumping station located in Section 7, T8N, R29E; thence southeasterly along the K.I.D. Division Four Canal to the Columbia River in Section 8, T7N, R31E; thence northwesterly along the Columbia River until its intersection with the United States Department of Energy Hanford Site south boundary line; thence west approximately one mile and south approximately two and one-half miles along the south boundary line to the southeast corner of Section 27, T10N, R28E; thence west seven miles along section lines to the southwest corner of Section 27, T10N, R27E; thence north one mile along the section line to the northwest corner of Section 27, T10N, R27E; thence west four miles along section lines to the point of beginning.
    (2) Area 2 restrictions.
    (a) Application by air of use restricted pesticides as defined in WAC 16-230-810 is prohibited.
    (b) The use or application of low volatile ester formulations of use restricted herbicides is prohibited: Provided, That hormone sprays may be applied by aircraft to orchards for the prevention of fruit drop.
    (c) On and after April 5 through October 31 of each year, applications of use restricted herbicides are prohibited daily from three hours prior to sunset until two hours after sunrise the following morning: Provided, That applications of use restricted herbicides are exempt from the sunset and sunrise restrictions when using an application rate of forty gallons of water carrier or greater per treated acre at twenty pounds of pressure or less at the nozzle: Provided further, That applications of granular and pellet formulations of the use restricted herbicides are exempt from the sunset and sunrise restrictions: Provided further, That applications of use restricted herbicides on small experimental plots for research purposes are exempt from the sunset and sunrise restrictions.
    [Statutory Authority: Chapters 17.21, 15.58, and 34.05 RCW. WSR 07-11-041A, § 16-230-840, filed 5/9/07, effective 6/9/07. Statutory Authority: Chapters 17.21 and 15.58 RCW. WSR 00-24-002, § 16-230-840, filed 11/22/00, effective 12/23/00; WSR 92-13-035, § 16-230-840, filed 6/10/92, effective 7/11/92; WSR 89-16-073 (Order 2014), § 16-230-840, filed 7/31/89, effective 8/31/89.]
Chapters 17.21, 15.58, and 34.05 RCW. WSR 07-11-041A, § 16-230-840, filed 5/9/07, effective 6/9/07. Statutory Authority: Chapters 17.21 and 15.58 RCW. WSR 00-24-002, § 16-230-840, filed 11/22/00, effective 12/23/00; WSR 92-13-035, § 16-230-840, filed 6/10/92, effective 7/11/92; WSR 89-16-073 (Order 2014), § 16-230-840, filed 7/31/89, effective 8/31/89.

