Section 137-30-020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
    CCS means community corrections supervisor.
    Community custody means an offender's supervision status in the community under the authority of the department where the department has the legal responsibility for adjudicating violations.
    CRS means correctional records supervisor.
    Earned release time (ERT) means the combined earned time and good conduct time credit an offender is eligible to earn off the minimum term established by the indeterminate sentence review board or the sentencing court.
    Earned time means that portion of time an offender is eligible to earn for program participation approved by the classification process and consistent with his/her case management plan.
    Good conduct time means that portion of an inmate's potential reduction to minimum term which is authorized by RCW 9.95.070 and 72.09.130 and which may be lost by receiving serious infractions.
    ISRB means the indeterminate sentence review board.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.09.130, 72.01.090, and 9.95.070. WSR 11-11-018, § 137-30-020, filed 5/9/11, effective 6/9/11.]
RCW 72.09.130, 72.01.090, and 9.95.070. WSR 11-11-018, § 137-30-020, filed 5/9/11, effective 6/9/11.