Section 132T-04-080. Officers of the board.  

Latest version.
  • (1) At the regular meeting of the board in September of each year, the board shall elect[,] from its membership[,] a chairman and vice chairman to serve for the ensuing year, commencing on October 1 and terminating on September 30. In addition the president of Walla Walla Community College shall serve as secretary to the board of trustees as specified by state law. The secretary may, at his discretion, appoint his administrative assistant or other appropriate college staff member to act as recording secretary for all regular and special meetings of the board.
    (2) The chairman in addition to any duties imposed by rules and regulations of the state board, shall preside at each regular or special meeting of the board, sign all legal and official documents recording action of the board, and review the agenda prepared for each meeting of the board. The chairman shall, while presiding at official meetings, have full right of discussion and vote.
    (3) The vice chairman in addition to any duties imposed by rules and regulations of the state board shall act as chairman of the board in the absence of the chairman.
    (4) In case of the absence of the chairman and vice chairman from any meeting of the board of trustees or in case of the inability of both of the two to act, the board of trustees shall elect for the meeting a chairman pro tempore, and may authorize such chairman pro tempore to perform the duties and acts authorized or required by said chairman or vice chairman to be performed, as long as the inability of these said officers to act may continue.
    (5) The secretary of the board shall in addition to any duties imposed by rules and regulations of the state board, keep the official seal of the board, maintain all records of meetings and other official action of the board.
    (6) The secretary shall also be responsible for board correspondence, compiling the agenda of meetings, and distributing the minutes of the meetings and related reports.
    (7) The secretary, or his designate, must attend all regular and special meetings of the board, and official minutes must be kept of all such meetings.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.19.030 and chapter 28B.50 RCW. WSR 80-15-007 (Resolution No. 81-2), § 132T-04-080, filed 10/2/80; Order 78-4, § 132T-04-080, filed 10/24/77; Article VIII, filed 11/21/67; Emergency Article VIII, filed 8/23/67.]
    Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules, and deems ineffectual changes not filed by the agency in this manner. The bracketed material in the above section does not appear to conform to the statutory requirement.
RCW 28B.19.030 and chapter 28B.50 RCW. WSR 80-15-007 (Resolution No. 81-2), § 132T-04-080, filed 10/2/80; Order 78-4, § 132T-04-080, filed 10/24/77; Article VIII, filed 11/21/67; Emergency Article VIII, filed 8/23/67.