Washington Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 23, 2016) |
Title 132G. Shoreline Community College |
Chapter 132G-120. Student conduct code. |
Section 132G-120-015. Grounds for discipline.
Latest version.
- Student activity or behavior which violates any provision of the college conduct code is not acceptable; yet, an individual who enrolls at the college can rightfully expect that the instructors and administrators will exercise with restraint the power of the college to regulate student behavior, and that rules and regulations will be adopted only when the education process clearly and directly requires such legislation. However, restrictive rules and regulations will not be made without showing relevance to those conditions toward which they apply. The enforcement of these rules and regulations shall be fair and shall be pursued in accordance with regulations governing student conduct. Sanctions, up to and including expulsion from the college, may be imposed for failure to satisfy the expectations stated above. These sanctions will determine whether, and under what conditions, the violator may continue at the college.(1) Upon enrollment, students assume responsibilities that include, but are not limited to:(a) Respecting the rights, privileges, and property of other members of the campus community and refraining from any conduct that would interfere with college functions or endanger the health, welfare, or safety of other persons;(b) Maintaining high standards of academic and personal honesty and integrity; and(c) Complying with the rules, regulations, procedures, policies, standards of conduct, and orders of Shoreline Community College, as outlined in various college publications such as the college catalog, the student guidebook and the college policy manual. Copies of the college catalog, the student guidebook and the college policy manual are available at the college library during normal business hours.(2) Specific instances of misconduct for which the college will impose sanctions include, but are not limited to:(a) Acts of dishonesty, including, but not limited to:(i) Cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty as outlined in college Policy 5033;(ii) Furnishing false information to any college official, faculty member, or office;(iii) Forgery, alteration or misuse of any college document, record or instrument of identification;(iv) Tampering with the election process or outcome of any recognized student organization; and(v) Violations of copyright laws.(b) Conduct constituting a sexual offense or sexual harassment as defined by law. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:(i) Such conduct implicitly or explicitly suggests that submission to or rejection of the conduct will be a factor in academic or employment decisions or evaluations or permission to participate in a college activity; or(ii) Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's academic or work performance or creating an intimidating or hostile academic or work environment.(c) Malicious damage to or malicious misuse of college property or the property of any person where such property is located on the college campus.(d) The intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching, learning, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other campus activities, including public service functions and other authorized activities on campus premises.(e) Possession, use or furnishing on campus premises of intoxicating beverages or controlled substances or unlawful drugs (as defined in Washington State Uniform Controlled Substances Act, chapter 69.50 RCW, a copy of which may be obtained in the office of the vice-president for human resources and employee relations, room 1019 of the administration building, Shoreline Community College).(f) Failure to comply with the direction of campus officials acting in the performance of their duties.(g) Intentionally inciting others to engage in any unlawful activity when the incitement leads directly to such unlawful conduct on the college campus.(h) Possession or use of unlawfully possessed firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals or other dangerous weapons or instrumentalities on the college campus, except for authorized college purposes (legal defense sprays are exempt in this section).(i) Conduct which is disorderly, lewd, indecent, obscene, verbally abusive or which carries a threat or perception of a threat of bodily harm.(j) Theft or other abuse or misuse of computer account privileges, equipment, software, network resources or time, including, but not limited to:(i) Unauthorized entry into an account, file or network, to use, read or change the contents, or for any other purpose;(ii) Unauthorized transfer or copying of accounts, programs or files;(iii) Unauthorized use of another individual's account, identification or password, or sending anonymous messages without clearly and correctly identifying the sender;(iv) Use of computer facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, college official or computer network operations;(v) Use of computer facilities to send or receive obscene, abusive, or harassing messages;(vi) Use of college e-mail accounts to disseminate viruses, destructive or malicious programs;(vii) Use of college computer facilities to introduce or send viruses or other destructive or invasive software programs.Violations of the student conduct code will lead to disciplinary action; however, nothing herein will be construed to deny students their legally and/or constitutionally protected right(s) to due process.[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 01-13-065, § 132G-120-015, filed 6/18/01, effective 7/19/01.]
RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 01-13-065, § 132G-120-015, filed 6/18/01, effective 7/19/01.