Chapter 132F-121. Student activities, rights and discipline.  

Section 132F-121-005. Statement of values.
Section 132F-121-010. Definitions and general provisions.
Section 132F-121-020. Student rights, freedoms, and responsibilities.
Section 132F-121-030. Student organizations.
Section 132F-121-040. Journalistic freedom and responsibility.
Section 132F-121-050. Student use of the district/college name.
Section 132F-121-060. Student complaints generally.
Section 132F-121-070. Informal processing of complaints.
Section 132F-121-080. Formal processing of complaints.
Section 132F-121-090. Additional provisions for grade complaints.
Section 132F-121-100. Student conduct generally.
Section 132F-121-110. Student misconduct.
Section 132F-121-120. Instructor sanctions for course work dishonesty or classroom misconduct.
Section 132F-121-130. Disciplinary jurisdiction.
Section 132F-121-140. Initiation of discipline.
Section 132F-121-150. Vice-president's review and action.
Section 132F-121-160. Disciplinary actions.
Section 132F-121-170. Appeals and referrals generally.
Section 132F-121-180. Student conduct committee.
Section 132F-121-190. Student conduct committee hearings—In general.
Section 132F-121-200. Student conduct committee hearings—Presentations of evidence.
Section 132F-121-210. Student conduct committee initial order.
Section 132F-121-220. President's review and final college order.
Section 132F-121-230. Reestablishment of academic standing after successful appeal.
Section 132F-121-240. Reinstatement after suspension or expulsion.
Section 132F-121-250. Summary suspensions.
Section 132F-121-260. Maintenance of student discipline records.