Section 1-06-140. Communications with the agency.  

Latest version.
  • All communications with the agency including but not limited to the submission of materials pertaining to its operations and/or the administration or enforcement of chapter 42.56 RCW and these rules; requests for copies of the agency's rules and other matters, shall be addressed as follows: Office of the Code Reviser, c/o Public Records Officer, P.O. Box 40551, Olympia, WA 98504-0551.
    [Statutory Authority: RCW 1.08.110, 34.05.385, 1.08.001, and Executive Order 97-2. WSR 06-16-019, § 1-06-140, filed 7/24/06, effective 8/24/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 1.08.110, 34.05.356, 34.05.385, and 34.08.030. WSR 00-18-001, § 1-06-140, filed 8/23/00, effective 12/31/00; Order 8, § 1-06-140, filed 9/25/74, effective 10/25/74.]
RCW 1.08.110, 34.05.385, 1.08.001, and Executive Order 97-2. WSR 06-16-019, § 1-06-140, filed 7/24/06, effective 8/24/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 1.08.110, 34.05.356, 34.05.385, and 34.08.030. WSR 00-18-001, § 1-06-140, filed 8/23/00, effective 12/31/00; Order 8, § 1-06-140, filed 9/25/74, effective 10/25/74.